
Dear Student, You’re Starting University

Scared, excited, counting down the days, dreading the move, already packed or no idea where to start. Do not stress. This is your year. Freshers maybe virtual but uni is still happening, in real life. And that is something to celebrate. Whichever uni you're heading to, however far from home, or close, moving out or… Continue reading Dear Student, You’re Starting University


Year 2 Term 1 – The life of a student dietitian

This blog has been a long time in the making - that probably gives you a good idea as to how term 1 and currently term 2 is going in my second year. Life is busy. Quite honestly I'm so grateful for that, lockdown has been getting to us all and I'm certainly only coping… Continue reading Year 2 Term 1 – The life of a student dietitian

Student meals, Uncategorized

Top 10 tips for a ‘rona-student

Are you a student in a tiny room for the imminent future? Isolating? or have all the cafes and your other study spots closed? I'm very aware that sleeping and working in the same room all day isn't great, the two steps from your bed to your desk is your only commute, unless you and… Continue reading Top 10 tips for a ‘rona-student

Student meals, Uncategorized

Welsh national lockdown – update

By the fact I'm posting this blog 11 days in to the 17 day lockdown, you can probably guess I've been anything but bored. Uni work has sky-rocketed and I've got a temporary job which is 15 hours a week. On top of that I'm a committee member for a society, co-leading a small group… Continue reading Welsh national lockdown – update

Student meals, Uncategorized

I finished first year!!

And just like that, I'm one year closer to becoming a dietitian. It's been a phenomenal year, moving out and leaving the safety of my home and my parents to move in to a flat with 7 strangers, transitioning up from school lessons to university lectures, my morning routine changing from a lift to school… Continue reading I finished first year!!